720p vs 1080p displays for movies

September 08, 2022

As movie enthusiasts, we always look for the best viewing experience. The display resolution is one critical factor that enhances the visual treat. However, the dilemma between 720p and 1080p displays remains a question for many people. In this blog post, we aim to compare these two display resolutions, providing you with factual evidence to make a suitable decision for your next movie binge-watch.

The Battle of the Resolutions: 720p vs 1080p

What Do 720p and 1080p Mean?

720p is a high-definition display resolution with 1280 pixels x 720 pixels, while 1080p has 1980 pixels x 1080 pixels, resulting in a sharper, clearer image. In simple words, a 1080p display has more than double the resolution of the 720p display, providing a more immersive and enjoyable experience.

Pixels Matter: Quality of Picture

When it comes to watching movies, quality is one thing we never want to compromise. A 1080p display resolution provides better picture quality than a 720p display. In 1080p displays, each frame consists of more than two million pixels, generating a sharper, more detailed image than 720p displays, which have less than one million pixels in each frame. With a high-resolution display, movie lovers can experience stunning images with vibrant colors, sharpness, and exquisite details.

The Differences in Cost

The price of a high-definition display varies based on the brand, size and other features. Generally, 1080p displays are more expensive than 720p displays. For budget-conscious buyers, a 720p display can be a more affordable option, while movie devotees can opt for a 1080p display.

The Perfect Viewing Distance

The ideal viewing distance for 720p displays is between 6 - 9 feet, while the preferred viewing distance for 1080p displays is 5 - 6 feet. If you sit too close to a 720p display, you will see the individual pixels, and the image could appear blurry. On the other hand, with a 1080p display, you can place yourself closer to the TV and enjoy clearer and sharper images.


In conclusion, if you’re on a tight budget, a 720p display might be a more affordable option without compromising much on the picture quality. However, if you're a movie buff and are looking for the best viewing experience, investing in a 1080p display is a no-brainer. With superior quality, remarkable detailing, and brilliant colors, a 1080p display will elevate your movie-watching experience to a whole new level.

So, what’s the final verdict? Well, that depends on your preferences and budget. Nonetheless, we hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision for your next movie marathon.


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